COVID 19 Update
Last Updated 12/5/22
For the latest updates on the COVID-19 situation, click here
Covid-19 cancellation policy:
Our Book with Confidence commitment means you can book your stay at Lake Macquarie today, risk-free! If travel is not possible for your stay due to Covid19, we will move your booking dates at no additional cost. *Proof of a positive Covid test may be required & Seasonal Rate changes and conditions may apply. Travel Insurance is also strongly recommended.
Please note that in circumstances that cancellation requests caused by restrictions applied to other events or businesses other than accommodation (sporting and social events, etc) occur, we may require proof that these restrictions are the result of travel or vaccination restrictions that have been applied.
We recommend that you take out Travel Insurance to cover unexpected illnesses, including testing positive for Covid 19, accidents, weather events, natural disasters, or other unforeseen circumstances.
Cleaning Policy
All staff have been advised to practice the highest standard of cleaning procedures inlines with the World Health Organisation and public health authorities. This includes intensified cleaning and disinfecting of our properties with our housekeeping staff wearing masks and gloves when required. All high-touch surfaces including light switches, hard surfaces, guidebooks, keys, lockboxes, cutlery, and crockery and remotes are disinfected for each stay.